Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lazada: Towards the zenith of success

The big company that stands behind the top local e-commerce and online shopping website is no secret. Everyone knows (at least people who are in the tech loop) that Rocket-Internet is the online business incubator calling the shots and propelled this start-up online shopping retail store to dizzyingly nauseating greater heights while continuously pushing the envelope and raising the bar of online venture building throughout the world. It has been an uphill trend for this internet company owned by the Samwer brothers who back in as early as 1999 has been building game changing websites. They have been doing that since 1999 but the name itself Rocket-Internet did not surface up until 2007 when they officially announced that it is going to be the name of their company.

The name somehow fits their vision and who they are really well. Just like their namesake, they are fast, always on the go and takes pride in quick execution of their plans to achieve the lofty goal of dominating the industry. The company values intelligence more than experience that is why they are more inclined to hire young, talented visionary thinkers as opposed to commissioning older, seasoned veterans. That is not saying that they are not an equal opportunity company it is just to highlight that they are more apt to get people who thinks out of the box and are ready to bend the rules of the game to get where they are going. The company ethos is fast execution which reflects in the number of companies that they have built over the years in around 40 countries in this third rock from the sun. But you might be wondering what they are really into, for the uninitiated it is very difficult to fathom how someone could make money off the Internet a place that only exists as some kind of a parallel universe juxtaposed with the physical universe macrocosm that we are a part of. There’s an easy and simple way to explain what Rocket-Internet is doing.

To put it simply, like what has been mentioned, they are an online venture builder or a business incubator. Their job is to concatenate or put together all of the key pieces and elements of a successful online business venture. These elements are technology, ideas, manpower and capital to create a highly marketable and profitable company. They also make sure that all of these key elements work synergistically and seamlessly to be successful otherwise if one part is not fully in tune then things are not going to work optimally the way it is supposed to be. That is why they value teamwork so much and puts a premium on it. They encourage each and everyone in the organization to pitch in, help each other out and voice out their opinions no matter how silly they think it is. The company is always focused on the details and attempts to solve problems one step at a time. It is always about forward movement and forward thinking. That is why no matter what happens their journey is going to be always uphill towards the zenith of success.  

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