Monday, July 8, 2013

Lazada: Improving online shopping through customer service experience

It was last year that of the Lazada Venture was launched in the country. Internet Giant Rocket Internet that is owned by the Samwer brothers powers it. It is now only available in the Philippines but also in key countries of South East Asia. Their goal was to penetrate South East Asia with its high potential in Ecommerce. Rocket Internet is actually well known globally before they even launched Lazada in South East Asia. Online shopping is actually a common option already for other countries, mostly first and second world countries.

Ecommerce was a stagnant industry before their arrival here in the Philippines. One reason why it is taking so long is that online users are not yet to prepared for online transactions. Some of us still have limited online speed. The ratio of credit card owners in the country is way low. Credit cards are the usual payment method accepted by online stores. Luckily they introduced Cash on Delivery or C.O.D. that allows anyone to become customers Personally, I feel like this payment method revolutionized how online shopping works in general. Today, more local offline business is now transitioning to online ever since they arrived in the country. It opened the eyes of local businessmen about the potential of online business. 

A few years ago, Ecommerce was really struggling due to a lot of issues as compared to other countries. However, for the local online audience who are capable to pay online, they weren't very enthusiastic as well. Online shoppers who can pay via credit card don't prefer online payment. These issues made the growth of Ecommerce slow. It was online classifieds that ruled online. In the local online community, local online malls were never given attention as compared to local online classifieds in the past. No one was willing to invest in Ecommerce at that time since it wasn't regarded at all during that time. What Lazada did is they launched full online marketing campaigns when they arrived. As a result, you can see them everywhere online. It quickly helped their brand stick to the Filipinos. What makes them standout is their overall online shopping service to their customers. On top of their Cash on Delivery or C.O.D. payment method, they also offer free delivery to their customers. It also comes with manufacturer's warranty that traditional malls offer as well. They are actually competing against traditional malls and not with the black market. 

Hence, their customers get the same warranties and returns similar to the traditional malls. It is actually rare for an existing online store to offer such. It just shows how credible they are in the online space. They actually came a long way as they also struggled when they were just starting. A lot of mishaps especially on their customer service side. Evidently, it all changed since they were able to fill their shortcomings through their actual hand in hand experience dealing with their customers online.

1 comment:

  1. Ecommerce was a stagnant industry before their arrival here in the Philippines. One reason why it is taking so long is that online users are not yet to prepared for online transactions. Some of us still have limited online speed.
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