Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lazada: Pay the Easy and Safe Way at the Philippines’ Online Shopping Mall

The internet has truly redefined almost everything we once hold true. Take for example shopping. Shopping used to be a purely physical activity but it need not be anymore. Online shops abound giving you no excuse not to try online shopping. I mean, hello, when you weigh the pros and cons of online shopping, the pros far outweigh the cons. Who wouldn’t want to shop at the comfort of their homes? No need to get dressed up, fight and pay (ugh!) for parking space or take public transportation, wait in line, and pay for snacks/lunch/dinner! Aren’t those reason enough to get you all convinced that online shopping is THE only way to go? 

While I obviously think highly of online shopping, it used to be slim pickings here until Lazada Philippines came along. Hooray for us because we finally get a taste of what world-class online shopping is all about without having to spend thousands on shipping costs because it is based right here!  They even have free delivery available to various locations in the country. Delivery is right on time too, if not a wee bit earlier than expected, as I have experienced a couple of times already. 

With regard to paying for your shopping, Lazada Philippines really did their homework to come up with the most convenient and reliable means to pay. They offer three methods of payment: Credit/Debit card, Cash On Delivery and Dragon Pay. With credit card payments, I’m sure almost everyone knows how it works. You just supply your credit/debit card information for your payment to be confirmed. But what sets this online shop from the others is how they go  to great lengths just to make sure your credit/debit card transactions are as secure as can be. How so? They carry the seal of approval from Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). It means that the company’s IT systems have been checked and are in compliance with the standards of PCI DSS. It also means that the IT systems are armed with the strongest possible protection against cyber attacks. The seal was posted just last month so you know the people behind the Philippines' Online Shopping Mall are always on their toes to improve their services. 
Cash on Delivery payment means payment is only given once you are face to face with the item. I don’t know how many other online stores offer this kind of payment method but none of the others that I used to shop from offer this. This is the perfect option for those who do not own a credit or debit card. This is also perfect for online shopping virgins that have slight distrust on how the whole system works and those who have been burned by the experience of never getting the item after you paid for it. Though I usually prefer paying via credit card, I have tried this once because I got curious and it was great. 

The Dragon Pay option can be done by either of the two: online banking and over-the-counter payments. Online banking payment compares to the convenience credit/debit card payments bring. Over-the-counter payments, on the other hand, will require you to head out to pay but it is made easier with the strategic locations and many branches of the establishments where you may pay such as LBC, 7-11, business and remittance centers, pawnshops and a few local banks.

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